The journey of becoming Ganesha(destroyer of all obstacles) of my life.

The rich Hindu pantheon of Gods and Goddesses is astounding; each persona harbours an ocean of divine qualities and powers. With the ongoing spiritual journey, I was enlightened, awakened and now becoming the Ganesha- Vighna Vinashak(destroyer of all obstacles) of my life. Now Lord Shri Ganesha is no more just an Indian mythological Lord for... Continue Reading →

The man is trying to make Technology bigger than him: Is he ready for consequences?

Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master. – Christian Lous Lange I have recently read a news saying "Facebook abandoned an experiment after two artificially intelligent programs appeared to be chatting to each other in a strange language only they understood." Recently, two billionaire tech revolutionaries had a little public tiff about the... Continue Reading →

It is easier…

In the journey of life, It is easier to get some addictions and go with the flow, but it takes wisdom to choose right as you might get slow. It is easier to yell and get angry, but it takes patience to stay calm and handle the things gently. It is easier to blame other,... Continue Reading →

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